671 A/B City Bus

Exciting Updates for Route 671 A/B Willimantic City Bus!

Service improvements have been made to Route 671/672 to better meet transportation needs. The route now operates 7 days a week, including Sundays. Weekday hours have been extended to start earlier and run later. The bus frequency has been increased to every 35 minutes, and a second bus will run on weekdays for more reliable service. Additional stops have been added, including Valley Heights Apartments, Windham Town Hall, and more. Service starts from July 1, 2024.

Service Hours:

671 A – City Bus Clockwise

Monday – Friday: 5:40 AM – 9:40 PM (No Service – City bus still running from opposite direction: 12:19 PM – 13:50 PM)
Saturday: No Service
Sunday: No Service

671 B – City Bus Counter Clockwise

Monday – Friday: 6:50 AM – 6:10 PM (No Service – City bus still running from opposite direction: 11:10 AM – 12:40 PM)
Saturday: 5:40 AM – 8:30 PM (No service from 12:30 PM – 13:50 PM)
Sunday: 6:50 AM – 6:10 PM (No service split: 11:10 AM – 13:50 PM

The route serves downtown Willimantic, Windham Hospital, Walmart, East Brook Mall, and additional locations. This route is a local route and local fares are charged.


Copy of 671 AB New Route Flyer (6 x 4 in)
Time Points :
671- B