

Windham Region Transit District service is accessible to persons with disabilities. Windham Region Transit District buses and vans are equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramps that enable persons in wheelchairs or persons who cannot navigate steps to ride the bus. Operators are trained to assist riders use lifts and ramps, secure wheelchairs, provide information on destinations served, and announce stops, including any stop you request. You may travel with your respirator, concentrator, and portable oxygen. Service animals are welcome on board buses and vans and in our facilities. Public information is available in alternative formats upon request.

Reasonable Modification Policy

Passengers with disabilities may request modifications to current service procedures to access the service. To make a request, please call us at 860-456-2223 or email us at Please submit requests at least one business day before the trip. Windham Region Transit District will not charge additional fees for passengers requiring reasonable modifications.

ADA Complaints

If you have a complaint about the accessibility of our transit systemor service, or believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a complaint. Download the complaint procedures and complaint form. Please provide all facts and circumstances surrounding your issue or complaint so we can fully investigate the incident. If you are unable to complete a written complaint due to a disability or if information is needed in another language we can assist you. Please contact us at 860-456-2223 or